ASTROCLK REGISTRATION: ASTROCLK is now 13 years old and is being used throughout the US and Canada as well as Denmark, England, France, Sweden, Italy, the Virgin Islands, Hong Kong, and Australia. It's still free and the current version is always posted on my home page at "". If you use and enjoy ASTROCLK, I have a modest request that will only cost you a stamp. Please send me a card or letter with the following information. If you include your local coordinates, I'll add them to the next ASTROCLK.CTY file. All information will be considered confidential. ASTROCLK Version: Version 0126 (June 2001) Name: __________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________________ Local Coordinates: Longitude: ______________________________ Latitude: ______________________________ Elevation: ________________ (meters/feet) Computer type: __________________________________________ Computer speed: ____________________ Coprocessor: ________ Display type: __________________________________________ Printer type: __________________________________________ Comments and/or suggestions and where or how you're using ASTROCLK: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm hoping the responses to this request will help me to make ASTROCLK even better. REGISTRATION ------------ Registration of ASTROCLK is optional but will be appreciated! During the past ten years over 3,000 hours of my time have gone into ASTROCLK. To register, include a minimum donation of US$15.00 and I will send the current version of the program. Please allow 3 to 6 weeks for delivery. Non-US addresses please include an additional US$5.00 for air mail. _____ No disk desired (for users who download the files and/or are making an additional donation to continue support for ASTROCLK and my WWW Home Pages). _____ 3-1/2" 1.44MB disk DONATION ENCLOSED: US$__________ David H. Ransom, Jr. 240 Bristlecone Pines Road Sedona, AZ 86336 USA E-Mail: